Intercultural Life

Category: Korean People (Page 6 of 7)

Something Strange in the Bedroom

Something strange in the bedroom

Koreans and selcas! Or “selfie” as non-Koreans say. Koreans in general are very good at them. They get the right lighting and angle and position. Though… finding that exact angle where you look good can cause you to be in some weird positions.


Here is one of his selcas… not the bed one though.

mr gwon

Working Holiday

So I hope that explains a bit more about working holidays in Australia. If you have a question you can leave it in the comment section and we’ll try to answer it!

TV Channels

TV Channels

Ughhh! He doesn’t see the difference between classic literature and 90’s TV shows. Actually he probably does and is just riling me up on purpose.

I was never a huge fan of those shows and Friends is a TV show that a lot of Koreans watch to improve their English. I’ve been made to watch a lot of episodes with Korean friends before and I find the humour can date pretty quickly…. and it’s been a long time since Friends finished. I just don’t have much interest in watching any more episodes and I cringe when it’s on TV.

I’m asking Mr Gwon about this right now – about why so many Koreans watch such an old TV show when there are plenty of newer and better ones. Now he is questioning why I still watch MASH when it’s on tv. Okay can’t win this argument!

Chai Lattes

Chai Lattes

If you are a Korean living in Sydney: Be careful. Mr Gwon is probably listening in to your conversation!

We were just grabbing some chai lattes to drink while we walked home so I was happy to just stand waiting for them. Mr Gwon overheard this conversation and at first stood near them and then sat down next to them like a creeper. It was something about the military and politics and one guy was a “know it all” so Mr Gwon was giggling to himself. I then dragged him away.

Big Tough Guy

Big Tough Guy

(Selca is Konglish for taking a self portrait).

This happened the other night when we were at a Korean restaurant. There was a couple sitting next to us and the guy seemed to be putting on a show about his masculinity, but as soon as the girl left to go to the toilet he pulled out his phone and was taking cutesy selcas! Tough guy image destroyed. She never saw it though because he was back to his masculine self when she came back.



I don’t even remember what I was saying that caused him to say that. Apparently it’s said in a dismissive way when someone is being too boastful, like “Yeah yeah, you are so great, your poo has colour but my poo has no colour.” Some Korean things don’t translate well…. haha.

Dream GD

Dream GD

He is feeling a bit better about GD now because dream GD was nice to him!

If you are a new reader to my blog, or don’t know anything about Kpop: G-Dragon (or GD) is a very famous, very talented Kpop star and I’m a huge fan.

GD has the same family name as us, which is why my husband tries to say that he is the from the same family. Yes technically we can check to see how we are related but we are probably only very distantly related. In Korea there aren’t many family names so it is very common to know many other people with the same family name as you.

Korean Genealogy is very interesting and it’s amazing to me that my husband’s family have the family register dating back to the 15th century but in my family, my grandfather who likes to research family history, struggles to find records and dates from just 200 years ago.

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