Intercultural Life

Category: Music (Page 10 of 10)

All things K-pop

Big Bang Tour Date Australia

Big Bang have released most of their tour dates for their world wide tour. Every time a new date is released. I’m excited… then disappointed. I thought with the successful K-Pop Concert in Sydney last year that Australia would be an obvious choice for Big Bang to go to. Now I’m not so sure. There are still some dates to be released but I’m not that hopeful anymore.

big bang australia

Sorry Peru fans… I was just a bit upset. My husband is a Big Bang fan but he will be quite happy if they don’t come to Australia because he knows I will spend all my money on getting the best tickets.

I should remind him though, that if it wasn’t for Big Bang then he would never have been able to use that terrible pick up line on me about him being in the same family as G-Dragon: Found Here.

He should be thankful to Big Bang because that line kinda worked… hey I ended up marrying him right?

In conclusion: this is my current feeling.

Obsession with height- Big Bang example

Let’s explore the Korean obsession with height! I think most countries have some interest in height, with women usually preferring taller men, but not many rival Korea’s obsession.

I’m not exactly sure when or why this first started or if it’s just a product of modern culture. I don’t know how much pressure men put on each other but I know Korean women put a lot of pressure on Korean men. The famous example being on the TV talk show where the women said they would rather have a tall husband who was physically abusive than a nice short guy. WTF…

Many times I’ve heard women, and not just Korean women, say they only like tall guys. And not like guys who are the same height or slightly taller, they want men like a foot taller than them!

Because of this Korean men can get big complexes about their height. They are already not very tall compared to many other countries, but does it really matter that much? Unfortunately the message they are receiving is that it does matter. The incident of the women on the TV show hating short guys has been retold to me by many many Korean guys. It was really upsetting for them. Of course not all Korean women place such emphasis on height though, it’s just sometimes the negative views are the loudest.

Now in Korea, it is normal for guys to wear “lifts” inside their shoes to make them appear taller. These are like a foam triangle thing that lifts their heels and gives them more height. I had no idea these things existed until a few years ago when I dated a Korean guy and I was slightly confused to why his height seemed to change day to day. He eventually confessed to me but it was the first I had heard of such things for men and I didn’t ever think his height was a problem.

Now to the reason why I decided to talk about this today: Big Bang. Talking to a Korean friend once, I confessed how much I like Big Bang. Her immediate response was “but they are so small.” Huh? I was so confused. What did that have to do with anything? I was talking about music. How does the artist’s height affect that? The same conversation has been played out many times with Korean people saying to me “but they are small.” I usually respond with “so what?”

Big Bang’s height is in the news again today. There is a summary on Big Bang Updates which makes a lot of international fans go “what??” Such concern about height seems so over the top to us. And the comments about height are often quite nasty. It is used in a way to try to bring them down.

Having a taller height does not give a guy a good personality. There is really no real benefit to the relationship except maybe he can reach the top cupboard easier. I’ve dated extremely tall guys before and their height was not even a positive thing. It made kissing standing up almost impossible and did not magically make those guy’s crappy personalities any better.

So how tall is the guy I ended up marrying? He is only slightly taller than me. If I wear heels I am taller. This does not bother me at all. In fact, I like being able to look directly into his eyes.

So for girls out there obsessed with height: does it really matter that much? You could be missing out on meeting some great guys simply because you aren’t interested in anyone under a certain height. There are better ways to narrow down what qualities you want in a man.

For all the guys out there worried about their height: don’t stress about it. Not all women care about it. If a girl disregards you as a potential date simply because you aren’t tall enough then she is not worth your time.

"Guys! Don't you know that it doesn't matter how talented or popular we are... it doesn't matter because we are too short!" "Aww, okay let's just go home..."


First meetings and G-Dragon

The first time we met it was with a group of people and we did stuff like dinner at Korean restaurant and noraebang. We’d already been talking for hours already but eventually what K-pop I liked came up in the conversation. (There were many more people there but I was too lazy to draw them).

We ended up dating and I forgot that he said that the first time we met.

However, about 6 months later I remembered…

Yeah, that’s not going to happen.


Big Bang Fantastic Baby

So not only is the video for ‘Fantastic Baby’ amazing but the song is so many levels of wonderfulness. It gets stuck in your head but it’s actually enjoyable having it stuck in your head.

If you haven’t seen the video it’s here.

Big Bang Fantastic Baby

But what are the consequences of such an insanely catchy song? Haha well it’s definitely changed our reactions when someone says “wow”.

And then one of our Korean neighbours who is also a Big Bang fan joins in too.

Biggest distraction ever.

Hmm… even as a cartoon character I’m a terrible dancer…

Simon and Martina from Eat Your Kimchi have had the same problem too. Check out their review here: Fantastic Baby Kpop Music Mondays

YG Building

If you are a Big Bang fan you know what the YG building is. If you don’t know: it is the headquarters of YG Entertainment- the record company Big Bang (and other notable singers/groups) belong to. It is a unique looking building and easy to find in Seoul.

Last year I stayed with a friend in Seoul and her family just happens to live a few streets away from the YG building. In order to get to the train station she has to walk past YG. Although my friend is a fan of Big Bang she feels really embarrassed about walking past all the time and keeps her head down and doesn’t look.

She walks past like this:


When I stayed with her and had to walk past I was more like this:

Um… yeah. Okay it was more of a stage whisper I swear. And then I’d keep walking.

There are always fans opposite standing next to the convenience store though. They are hardcore. They are there in all kinds of weather. One time my friend and I had to go somewhere but it was pouring rain (monsoon season) and when we passed YG there were still fans waiting in the torrential rain!


I’m ashamed to admit it but once I was a harsh critic of K-pop…

Years ago I had some Korean friends but I hadn’t been exposed to any Korean music yet. That changed when I moved to Sydney. My brother was already living in a big share apartment with mostly Koreans. I moved in as well and soon experienced a lot more Korean culture.

One of the first K-pop songs I heard was Big Bang’s ‘Lies’. And I absolutely hated it! One of our share mates played this song an awful lot. My brother and I made fun of it every time we heard it. And yeah we were pretty obnoxious about it…

I saw some other K-pop as well and all I thought was “what? Why are they dancing? This sounds so manufactured and 90’s”.

As a western person (particularly if you usually prefer rock or other types of music) there is a big wall to get through before you can enjoy K-pop. Once you get through it though it’s like “omg this is the best thing ever!”

My brother unfortunately had not got through that wall yet…

But, I did! It actually took me another year before I did and probably the main reason was because of G-Dragon. Yes, it’s all because of him. Although Big Bang was the first K-pop I really heard (and hated) actually now they are my favourite. (G-Dragon is a genius).

I still prefer bands that write their own music or are more involved in the process which is why I love CNBLUE as well.

I’m selective with what I like so just a few groups are my favourites but I’m aware and enjoy many more. I went to the 2011 Sydney K-pop music fest. Which was amazing! I wasn’t a huge fan of a lot of those groups, I originally went mostly for CNBLUE, but once I was there I really loved everyone. Please come back to Australia!

In conclusion I hope more and more people can enjoy K-Pop… even those who were obnoxiously mean about it.

Who are your favourite K-pop groups?

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