Today we have a guest post from Korea in my Kitchen!

I am Leslie from I went to Korea to teach English and came home with a husband! Fast forward 14 years, we now have four kids, a house in the ‘burbs of Vancouver, Canada and a dozen chickens. My blog covers all things Korean in our home, from recipes to culture with lots of pictures of our kids thrown in!

As a teacher, I often use these comic people to illustrate ideas and I have fun telling stories about our family in the same way.  I love reading Nichola’s comics… they often remind me of when my yobo and I were first married! So Nichola and Hugh, my comics might give you a glance into your future!

Pork... fork

A day off


Thank you Leslie!

Mr Gwon will definitely be telling our kids to use the pork. Even after speaking English for years it seems to be a reoccurring thing – the tricky F sound! And speaking of having no down time when you have kids – my friends with kids all urge me to have kids soon but at the same time say, “But you’ll have no time ever!” haha