I’ve mentioned before about him pointing out Koreans every time he sees them. So many Koreans live near us so it’s not like it’s a rare event to see a Korean person. The other day he was having one of his boasts about being able to tell who is Korean and just to prove his point was pointing out who was Korean or not for every person that walked past us. There were some people who were obviously not Korean at all, but he still had to point it out… Actually what he means is that he can identify Koreans from other Asian people.

It’s really not that hard to identify who is Korean here as not only is there a certain Korean look but also clothes and mannerisms are very strong hints and once you hear them speaking Korean…. easy. I’m talking about Koreans who have spent most of their life in Korea, not Korean Australians or those adopted from Korea. The difference can be quite interesting. I remember a few years ago at a party and a friend who was born in Korea but adopted as a baby by an Australian couple came, as well as Koreans on working holiday visas. Although with my Australian friend, I can identify the Korean features of his face: everything else, his clothing style, mannerisms and body language was completely different to the Korean guys.

Where we grow up influences so many things about us.