Intercultural Life

Tag: 마코허

KBS 이웃집찰스 ep172 ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드’편 호주식 이유식 ‘쥬키니 슬라이스 (Zucchini slice)’ 레시피

This is the recipe for zucchini slice that was made by Nichola on ‘My Neighbor Charles’ episode 172, on Korean TV. We heard that many people were looking for the recipe. If you are an English speaker you’ll be able to find recipes on

zucchini slice

KBS 이웃집찰스 에피소드 172 ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드’편 에서 호주아내 니콜라가 만든 호주식 이유식 ‘쥬키니 슬라이스 (Zucchini slice)’ 레시피 입니다.

‘쥬키니 슬라이스 (Zucchini slice)’

재료 :

zucchini slice ingredients

달걀 5 개

애호박 1개 (한국 애호박과 호주 외호박은 약간 다르지만 괜찮아요 ).

당근 1 개

양파 1개

강판에간 치즈 1 컵

밀가루 1 컵 (베이킹 파우더 1 작은 스푼 추가)

올리브 오일 1/4 컵

소금과 후추

먼저 오븐을 180 ° C로 예열 합니다.

강판에 애호박과 당근을 갈아주세요. . 양파는 얇게 썰어서 넣어주세요.

whisking eggs

큰 그릇에 달걀 5개를 휘저어서 풀어주세요.

adding ingredients

큰 그릇에 강판에 간 애호박, 당근, 양파 그리고 치즈를 넣으세요.

밀가루와 올리오일 또는 식용류를 넣고 잘 섞어 주세요.

약간의 소금과 후추를 넣어줍니다

베이킹 그릇 바닥에 식용류를 약간 칠해주거나 베이킹 페이퍼를 깔아줍니다.

(쥬키니 슬라이스가 그릇에 달라붙는걸 막기 위해서요)

putting mixture in baking dish

잘 섞힌 재료들을 베이킹 접시에 옮겨 붓고 윗부분을 부드럽게 만들어줍니다.

그리고 오븐에 넣어 30 분 동안 기다리거나 윗부분이 황금색 일 때 오븐에서 꺼내세요.

그럼 완성!

zucchini and carrot slice

쥬키니 슬라이스에 다른 것들도 추가 할 수 있어요. 베이컨이나 햄등을 썰어서 추가 할 수 있고, 당근 대신 브로콜리, 고구마, 호박, 고추, 토마토, 버섯, 옥수수 등 다양한 야채를 추가 할 수 있어요. 또한 쌀이나 참치도 추가 할 수 있어요. 쥬키니 슬라이스는 야채를 잘안먹는 아이들에게 더 많은 야채를 먹게 할수있는 좋은 방법입니다. 따뜻하거나 차갑게도 먹을 수 있어요. 아이들과 피크닉을 가실때 간편하면서 건강하게 먹을수 있어서 좋아요. 만약에 양이 너무 많으면, 냉동 시켜 놨다가 나중에 먹어도 맛있어요. 그리고 호주에서는 아이들뿐만 아니라 어른들도 좋아 하는 음식이라 홈파티 같은곳에 가면 자주 볼수 있어요. 건강에도 좋고 맛도 좋은 ‘쥬키니 슬라이스’ 아이들 이유식이나 홈파티때 한번 만들어 보는건 어떨까요?

my korean husband zucchini slice
yul eating zucchini slice

Zucchini Slice:


5 eggs

1 zucchini

1 carrot

1 onion

1 cup of shredded or grated cheddar cheese

1 cup of self raising flour (or standard flour with teaspoon of baking powder)

¼ cup of olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius

Whisk eggs in a large bowl. Grate zucchini and carrot and chop up onion finely.

Add zucchini, carrot, onion, cheese to the eggs. Combine. Add flour and oil and salt and pepper. Mix.

Line a baking dish with baking paper, or grease with oil. Pour mixture into the baking tray and smooth the top of the mixture. Bake in oven for 30 mins or until golden brown on top.

Can be eaten warm or cold.

My Korean Husband Book Signing 책출간기념 사인회

마이코리안허즈번드 코믹북 출간기념 사인회 이벤트!
7월15일 토요일 오후 5시 타임스퀘어 교보문고에서 해요.
시간되시는분들 오셔서 책도 구입하시고, 사인도 받으세요:) 사인회 끝나고 질문 받고 답변하는 시간도 있을꺼에요. 많이들 놀러오세요.
그리고 ‘영국남자’ 조엘과 ‘호주사라’ 사라 등 다른 유튜버들도 함께 할꺼에요.

그럼 토요일에 봐요^^

We are having a book signing this Saturday, the 15th of July, at the Kyobo book store at Times Square, Yeongdeungpo. It starts at 5pm. You will be able to purchase the ‘My Korean Husband’ book and get it signed by us! We will also have time afterwards to chat with people. This is the last time for a while we will be able to do a meet up because of my pregnancy and having a newborn baby later. Please come out and see us if you are in Seoul!

The book is in Korean but there are English translations of the comics.

Name Change

Name Change

Hugh and his sister watched this drama, so I saw bits and pieces of it but didn’t watch all of it. I was glad to see that a popular drama has a lead male that wasn’t another rich son of a CEO, like almost all other dramas. Apparently it has sparked an interest in men in the special forces though.

What I find a bit ironic is that now there is this interest in how soldiers speak and even some women (who don’t have to do compulsory military service) have started trying to talk like a soldier. Previously, men who finished their service could be self conscious about their automatic soldier speech, especially because people might make fun of it. But now it was in a drama, it’s suddenly “cool”. How fickle people are…haha.

Speaking of name changes, it used to be hard to change your name in Korea, but these days it is quite easy. I don’t think Hugh should change his name though…


This donkatsu (pork cutlet) is huge! Hugh and his friend try this challenge where you have to eat this massive donkatsu and rice in 20 mins or pay about $15.

There was no way I was going to try this challenge, but because we were staying with our friends Simon and Martina (of Eat Your Kimchi) while in Seoul, Simon decided he would try it as well after hearing Hugh talk about it. You can see their video here.

Cutest Pension and Ganghwado Mudflats

This video was not planned, we just happened to go to this pension with friends who were getting wedding photos taken. We discovered this pension was so nice and really adorable so we decided to make a video. Pension, which is the Konglish name for this type of accommodation vary wildly in Korea, so this was definitely more of an upmarket one. It is also a ‘healing’ pension, which means that it’s not the type of place for big groups of people to go and be loud and BBQ. It’s for couples or families to have some quiet time, enjoy the countryside and relax and maybe do some crafts.

인천광역시 강화군 길상면 해안남로474번길 19 가족펜션
지번 인천광역시 강화군 길상면 선두리 1055-17
전화번호 032-937-3525

19, Haeannam-ro 474beon-gil, Gilsang-myeon, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon, Korea


Fantasy English guy/ Fantasy Korean guy?

Hugh and Joel (who you might have seen in some of 영국남자 Korean Englishman‘s videos) talk about perceptions of both British guys and Korean guys, especially the fantasy gentleman aspect of it. Does it affect them negatively or positively? Does it change how they now interact with people?

Joel was really fun to film with so let us know if you enjoyed this video so we can do more like it.


New Nicholalala on Line Webtoon



For many people this isn’t actually a new episode as it was on the Challenge League, but it’s the first time it’s up as a featured webtoon. While there will be some episodes from the Challenge League, I will be mixing in new episodes in the coming weeks and gradually it will change over to all new episodes. Please like, share and comment because that really helps me out!

The Nicholalala Webtoon is up every Tuesday at 11pm Korean time on Line Webtoon and you can also download the app! I also have a new Facebook page for my art.

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