Intercultural Life

Tag: 호주교통사고

Mr Gwon Time – Working Holiday Story continued

안녕하세요. 이전에 호주 워킹홀리데이에 관한 비디오를 만들다가 거의 한달만에 다시 만들었네요. 아무래도 이야기를 끝마치는게 맞는것 같아서 다시 만들었어요. 앞으로 한개에서 두개정도 First 호주 워킹홀리데이 이야기 끝내고 다른 비디오도 만들도록 할께요.
잘봐주시고, 혹시 궁금한신거나 비디오로 보고 싶은것들 있으시면
댓글 남겨 주세요. 감사합니다^^

MGT – Bus Travel and Car Accidents

While subtitling this we talked about what actually happened to the guy in the car accident. We searched online and couldn’t find out if he ever came out of the coma, but we did find a news article about the “missing Korean tourists”. One of those being my husband! He didn’t know until today that people had searched for him for 7 hours! Even though it was back in 2006, big thank you to those who searched and were concerned.

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