How to compliment your pregnant wife.

At least his made me laugh! We were on our way to do our weekly radio show and even in the morning it’s so hot in Seoul right now. I just feel sweaty and huge in the heat. Perhaps because I was wearing white, Hugh compared me to an angel… but soon made it weird by saying he would ride me if I was!

I can’t wait for summer to be over. I’ve heard older people talk about how summer never used to be this hot (thanks global warming) and it seems like August is the most miserable month. I love summer in Australia, but not Korea. The humidity is the killer here. I’m also glad I’m not in my final month of pregnancy in August. It will be cooler when I’m at the end of the pregnancy.


The latest Nicholalala webtoon episode is up on WEBTOONS! You can check it out there. Nicholalala is my other comic series which is a scrolling webtoon. Set in the Korean countryside with characters loosely based on us, and lots of Korean folklore characters.

There is an article about us on the Huff Post about Hugh’s transformation video!