Intercultural Life

Tag: g-dragon (Page 2 of 4)

The Next Doctor

Next Doctor

This is what happens when you are on Tumblr late at night and then go straight to bed! You are bombarded with all these images from different fandoms one after the other. The things you love can cross weirdly. That’s what my brain decided last night… and I still think that would be really cool. Maybe one day The Doctor will be an androgynous Korean boy. I’d watch the hell out of that.

So, Doctor Who fans… what do you think of the next Doctor? Did you watch the reveal? It was on at 4am here so I just waited until I woke up… and which is why at about the time it was being revealed I was dreaming that it was GD.

I think the next Doctor might be a bit more scary? Or maybe I just think that because Peter Capaldi’s expressions scare me sometimes. I’ll have to wait and see!

GD No Pants

GD No Pants

Okay actually he is wearing short shorts in the video, but it sure looks like he is not wearing pants!

CL (from 2NE1) has a new music video out that GD and a few others can be seen in.


GD’s Face


We’ve been seeing a lot of friends in Korea. This particular friend is a very good Japanese chef. My husband knew him and his wife in Australia but they live in Korea now. So it’s true, GD comes to the restaurant quite regularly. Obviously we can’t say which restaurant it is though. Our friend has said that he can let me know when GD comes in but I don’t want to be a creepy stalker AND it’s a pretty expensive place. As much as I’d love to see GD, I don’t want to interrupt his privacy.

I had never thought that much about face size until I had Korean friends. The first few times people told me I have a small face I thought maybe it was an insult! Then I realised it was a compliment as I observed Korean friends complain about the size of their faces. The fact that GD has a small face doesn’t make me think “Oh that makes him so handsome!”, I think his face is handsome no matter what size. That fact annoys my husband a little bit though… hehehe.


K-pop Family

Kpop Family

He always has to point out when someone has the same family name as us. Though… it’s always cool people, I haven’t seen him point out, “Oh he is Gwon family… he is axe murderer!”

SBS PopAsia is an Australian digital radio station and music video show on TV. (Note: This is different to SBS in Korea). They play music from Asia, though the majority of it is Kpop. It is awesome to be in Australia and turn on the TV, just normal free to air tv, and see Korean music videos.

Dream GD

Dream GD

He is feeling a bit better about GD now because dream GD was nice to him!

If you are a new reader to my blog, or don’t know anything about Kpop: G-Dragon (or GD) is a very famous, very talented Kpop star and I’m a huge fan.

GD has the same family name as us, which is why my husband tries to say that he is the from the same family. Yes technically we can check to see how we are related but we are probably only very distantly related. In Korea there aren’t many family names so it is very common to know many other people with the same family name as you.

Korean Genealogy is very interesting and it’s amazing to me that my husband’s family have the family register dating back to the 15th century but in my family, my grandfather who likes to research family history, struggles to find records and dates from just 200 years ago.

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