Intercultural Life

Tag: sunhong

Kpop Group Name

Kpop Group Name

Well he wouldn’t be the first to name a Kpop group after himself…. (I’m looking at you Jackie Chan), but he seems to think he would be in the group too!

I asked Sophie and Chloe what they think is a good name for a Kpop group but they only gave me rude names that I won’t repeat here…

What about you? What would you name a Kpop group? Which ones do you think are good names and which ones are terrible?

Change Name


Change Name

Just a very quick comic today!

For those that can’t read Korean, the funny thing is that the first syllable of Mr Gwon’s Korean name and the blood sausage dish are the same, so not only does he want to call himself something that he likes to eat, but it already sounds really similar.

Lots of our Korean friends have changed their names, it seems to be more common here than it is in Australia. What about in your country? Do many people legally change their name?

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