Intercultural Life

Tag: traditional korean wedding

Where we had our traditional Korean wedding

We happened to be passing through Jinju fortress recently so we took the chance to make a little video about where we had our traditional Korean wedding.

Most of the day was just a blur, but it was really worth it. I’ve mentioned before how much I dislike these modern rushed Korean weddings in Korean wedding halls, and although our Korean wedding felt very long, it was completely worth it. It felt special doing the rituals in front of everyone and feeling a connection to tradition and the past. Although the weather was hot, I was so pleased to have a beautiful sunny day for our wedding day.

There were some big cultural shocks on the day, but I enjoyed the feeling of being carried in a gama and all the other elements of it.

Traditional Wedding – 전통혼례 가마

Traditional korean wedding

I made this comic quite a while ago but it was never posted because it was supposed to go in the book (for the Korean market). Since we are now changing the format of the book a lot (one of the reasons why it’s taking so long) I can post it on here.

Traditional weddings are rarely done these days in Korea unfortunately, but I’m glad we had one. We were carried in ‘gamas’ by our friends, which gave Hugh’s friends the chance to complain about how heavy he is!

Traditional Korean Wedding

I recently got some more photos from our traditional Korean wedding so I thought I’d share some.

Two weeks after we had our Australian wedding we flew to Korea for our Korean wedding. Koreans don’t really do big traditional weddings like this anymore, instead most Koreans have a more westernized wedding and may just have a small ceremony after in traditional clothes. We had a wedding company organise our wedding but unfortunately we had no idea what was going on! Also, because this type of wedding is rarely done now, even the older relatives weren’t sure what was supposed to happen!

It ended up being pretty surreal and some points I was terrified. My husband looks so different in these photos as well. They put some horrendous makeup on him and pushed his hair back under the hat. The wedding was in Jinju Castle which is open to the public, so there was a huge crowd of people watching us. The sun was so hot and I remember sitting across from my husband, not being able to move in my hanbok, and worried my makeup was running down my face. My husband looked over me and mouthed, “This is terrible.” I just nodded and tried not to faint. I hadn’t had anything to drink in hours. The wedding seemed to go forever and I had no idea what was going on, but afterwards, especially when I look at the photos I know it was worth it. I can laugh about it now and it was definitely an experience!

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Our friends who had to carry us.

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They all complained that he was too heavy.

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Here we had to pass a jujube or a date to each other using our mouths.

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