The sausage guys

For those who haven’t heard this saying: it means when you go out or are at a party and there are almost no girls at all. It’s especially bad if the guys are hoping to meet girls and there are only guys.

Mr Gwon knows this saying but sometimes says “sausage party” instead. He knows a bunch of guys who every time they go out are too shy to talk to any girls even though they want to meet girls. Mr Gwon and one other friend are the only ones confident enough to talk to girls but are also the only ones with partners and are not interested to talking to girls!

Even if Mr Gwon and his friend introduce girls to these guys, they just sit there in stunned silence. But then… the next time they go out they want him to go talk to girls and bring the girls over to them again.

Every time he goes out with these guys it has been a “sausage fest” but he has decided to take that saying and use it in a different way and now calls those guys “the sausage guys” because it will always be a sausage fest with them because they are incapable of talking to any girls at all. He gets really annoyed about it.

I think it’s pretty funny Konglish. I really hope it catches on and groups of guys who want to talk to girls but never make a move, and just stare awkwardly, get called “sausage guys”.

It’s even funnier when he says it with a strong Korean accent and it becomes “sau-sage-jeeee”.