Intercultural Life

Tag: 깔깔이

Getting Cold


Oh no! It’s time for the 깔깔이 again! Though hopefully not just yet… it’s not too cold at the moment. When this actually happened I said “no longer be sexually attracted to you” but I dropped the word “sexually” so it was more family friendly.

This jacket has been in comics HERE and HERE.

So although he has an aversion to military clothing because finished his national duty may years ago… he still wears this jacket because it is warm and free.

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Mr Gwon Time – Army Jacket

Click captions for English Subtitles

깔깔이를 자주 입으시는분들, 아직도 깔깔이를 가지고 계시는분들. 인증샷 공유하면 재밌겠네요 ㅎㅎ 사진은 여기 블로그나 저희 Facebook에 남겨주시며 좋겠네요^^ 아~군대 갔다온지가 오래되었는데, 깔깔이 입으니깐 군대 있을때 생각 나네요. 요즘 깔깔이가 가볍고 따뜻한게 좋네요. 엣날꺼에 비해서 디자인도 세련된거 같고요. 그리고 좋은 의견이나 궁금한점 있으시면 저희 블로그나,페이스북,트위터, 유튜브에 댓글 남겨 주세요. 그리고 저희 블로그 MyKoreanHusband 많이 사랑해주세요.


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