Intercultural Life

Month: January 2019

Hosed Off: Australian Parenting?

This happened while in Australia. Yul would play in water almost every single day and he particularly liked played with the garden hose. Hugh discovered the parenting secret of just hosing your kid down in the backyard instead of going to the trouble of giving them a proper bath.

Yul didn’t mind.

Revisiting my toys from the 80’s

My son plays with my old toys from the 1980’s

In this video Hugh and I look at some of the toys I played with from the 1980’s and early 1990’s. The Duplo Lego and Fisher Price cash register was shared with my siblings, the Tuppertoys school bus probably belonged more to my brothers, but the soft toys and My Child doll were my own.

Yul already played with most of the toys already, but it was the first time seeing my doll and soft toys. Watch the video to see him playing with the toys. It will be interesting to see him interact with the same toys next time we go back to Australia.

Aussie Kids Try Korean Snacks

Aussie Kids Try Korean Snacks!

We have a 6 month sponsorship with Korean supermarket Emart. It’s been a really great sponsorship to have, not only because they have been great to work with, but we genuinely love the products they have. And for foreign food, both locally made and imported, they have proven themselves to be way ahead of the competition.

We knew we’d be in Australia for over a month so that presented a problem. How can we make our monthly Emart video when we are in another country? We came up with the idea of taking some snacks from Emart and getting Australians to try them. Hardly a new concept, but people still enjoy these types of videos. We weren’t sure who we would get to try but it worked out that one of my friend’s kids were keen to try. That’s how we got Sophie, Luke and Tyler to help us with the video.

They were very good at trying some things that even adults can be hesitant to try. All the brands were Emart brands and we picked things that were normal in Korea, but maybe more unusual to Australians.

A big thank you to Sophie, Luke and Tyler!

Trying to find Korean food in the Australian countryside

Korean food in rural Australia?

In this video we see what Korean food is available in a local supermarket. With no Asian supermarkets in this area, the only available Asian food is in the Asian section of the big supermarkets. We head to Woolworths and see what is there. Hugh then tried what we found to see how much it tastes like Korean food. Although there are ways to make some Korean dishes and side dishes with some meat and vegetable and sauces like soy sauce and sesame oil, we were deliberately looking for products that were branded as “Korean”.

Watch the video to see what we discovered!

KBS 이웃집찰스 ep172 ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드’편 호주식 이유식 ‘쥬키니 슬라이스 (Zucchini slice)’ 레시피

This is the recipe for zucchini slice that was made by Nichola on ‘My Neighbor Charles’ episode 172, on Korean TV. We heard that many people were looking for the recipe. If you are an English speaker you’ll be able to find recipes on

zucchini slice

KBS 이웃집찰스 에피소드 172 ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드’편 에서 호주아내 니콜라가 만든 호주식 이유식 ‘쥬키니 슬라이스 (Zucchini slice)’ 레시피 입니다.

‘쥬키니 슬라이스 (Zucchini slice)’

재료 :

zucchini slice ingredients

달걀 5 개

애호박 1개 (한국 애호박과 호주 외호박은 약간 다르지만 괜찮아요 ).

당근 1 개

양파 1개

강판에간 치즈 1 컵

밀가루 1 컵 (베이킹 파우더 1 작은 스푼 추가)

올리브 오일 1/4 컵

소금과 후추

먼저 오븐을 180 ° C로 예열 합니다.

강판에 애호박과 당근을 갈아주세요. . 양파는 얇게 썰어서 넣어주세요.

whisking eggs

큰 그릇에 달걀 5개를 휘저어서 풀어주세요.

adding ingredients

큰 그릇에 강판에 간 애호박, 당근, 양파 그리고 치즈를 넣으세요.

밀가루와 올리오일 또는 식용류를 넣고 잘 섞어 주세요.

약간의 소금과 후추를 넣어줍니다

베이킹 그릇 바닥에 식용류를 약간 칠해주거나 베이킹 페이퍼를 깔아줍니다.

(쥬키니 슬라이스가 그릇에 달라붙는걸 막기 위해서요)

putting mixture in baking dish

잘 섞힌 재료들을 베이킹 접시에 옮겨 붓고 윗부분을 부드럽게 만들어줍니다.

그리고 오븐에 넣어 30 분 동안 기다리거나 윗부분이 황금색 일 때 오븐에서 꺼내세요.

그럼 완성!

zucchini and carrot slice

쥬키니 슬라이스에 다른 것들도 추가 할 수 있어요. 베이컨이나 햄등을 썰어서 추가 할 수 있고, 당근 대신 브로콜리, 고구마, 호박, 고추, 토마토, 버섯, 옥수수 등 다양한 야채를 추가 할 수 있어요. 또한 쌀이나 참치도 추가 할 수 있어요. 쥬키니 슬라이스는 야채를 잘안먹는 아이들에게 더 많은 야채를 먹게 할수있는 좋은 방법입니다. 따뜻하거나 차갑게도 먹을 수 있어요. 아이들과 피크닉을 가실때 간편하면서 건강하게 먹을수 있어서 좋아요. 만약에 양이 너무 많으면, 냉동 시켜 놨다가 나중에 먹어도 맛있어요. 그리고 호주에서는 아이들뿐만 아니라 어른들도 좋아 하는 음식이라 홈파티 같은곳에 가면 자주 볼수 있어요. 건강에도 좋고 맛도 좋은 ‘쥬키니 슬라이스’ 아이들 이유식이나 홈파티때 한번 만들어 보는건 어떨까요?

my korean husband zucchini slice
yul eating zucchini slice

Zucchini Slice:


5 eggs

1 zucchini

1 carrot

1 onion

1 cup of shredded or grated cheddar cheese

1 cup of self raising flour (or standard flour with teaspoon of baking powder)

¼ cup of olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius

Whisk eggs in a large bowl. Grate zucchini and carrot and chop up onion finely.

Add zucchini, carrot, onion, cheese to the eggs. Combine. Add flour and oil and salt and pepper. Mix.

Line a baking dish with baking paper, or grease with oil. Pour mixture into the baking tray and smooth the top of the mixture. Bake in oven for 30 mins or until golden brown on top.

Can be eaten warm or cold.

Fridge Menus

my korean husband comic fridge menus

This comic is one from our new My Korean Husband book that will be out in Korea soon. When we first moved to Seoul, Hugh was so happy to be able to order food and loved seeing all the food menus on our fridge. Since losing weight he can’t as much delivery food, but he still keeps the menus.

안녕하세요. 마이 코리안 허즈번드의 호주 아내 니콜라, 한국 남편 순홍 (휴) 그리고 아들 율입니다. 저희가 평소에 영어로 유튜브 영상과 웹툰을 만들고 있지만, ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드’ 코믹북은 모두 한국어로 되어있어요. 그리고 올해초에 ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드 2’ 두번째 책도 출간 예정이에요. 국제커플인 저희 부부가 어떻게 문화의 차이를 극복하고 행복 하게 살아 가는지에 대한 이야기들이에요. 많은 응원 부탁드려요! 감사합니다.

저희 ‘마이코리안 허즈번드’ 코믹북이 궁금하시다면 여기를 클릭 해주세요.


Trying my baby clothes from the 80’s

While we are back in Australia I’ve been looking through some of my old stuff, and my mum pulled out the baby clothes she had kept. I thought it would be interesting for Yul to try them on, since he is the right size for them. It’s also interesting to look into history a little bit, because up until the start of last century it was normal for young boys to wear dresses! Find out more in the video.

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