Intercultural Life

Tag: comments


Hi guys!

I started this blog not long ago and I’m surprised at how many people have said they like it and read it. So thanks so much. I’d love for this site to become a place where people can meet other people who have similar interests and where we can have a little community. Feel free to comment on any post even if it’s not directly related to the post. Feel free to talk to others and have conversations.

I’ve installed the new Disqus comment system which allows you to comment using your facebook, google or twitter name. Or you can get a Disqus screen name. Many other blogs use Disqus commenting so it means you can use your screen name for any of them.

And, if you’d like a post or comment about anything in particular, just ask!

만약에 영어로 댓글 달아야 해서 불편하시다면은 한글로 댓글 달아 주셔도되요. 저도 한국어를 공부하고 있고, 제 남편이 한국사람이라서 이해할수 있거던요. 댓글 하나하나가 많은 도움이 됩니다. 많은 댓글 부탁드려요.

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