Intercultural Life

Month: November 2013 (Page 5 of 5)




He is so jealous of GD that he already had his backup plan in case I do leave him for GD! He was going on about this while I was doing some other stuff so I wasn’t really paying attention. But then realised what he had said! I thought he would be like, “I’m going to runaway with Miranda Kerr or Emma Watson!” Instead he chose TOP. For those that don’t follow K-pop, TOP is in the same group as GD and sometimes they do stuff as a duo, which makes his choice extra funny.

When I told him I was going to make a comic about what he said, he gave me directions! “Draw us in Paris! Then draw us in the arctic! And then…”

Looks like he has it all planned. Should I be worried now?


Something Strange in the Bedroom

Something strange in the bedroom

Koreans and selcas! Or “selfie” as non-Koreans say. Koreans in general are very good at them. They get the right lighting and angle and position. Though… finding that exact angle where you look good can cause you to be in some weird positions.


Here is one of his selcas… not the bed one though.

mr gwon




Boys are gross! Stay away from them!

Anyway I proved to him that I could definitely see everything. I’m long sighted as well so I can see things in the distance very well. Many times I’ll be like, “Oh there is our friend.” And he will say, “Where? Where? Where?” And doesn’t see the person until they are up close. I’m pretty sure he needs his eyes checked too, but he is avoiding it. If in a year or two when I’ve forced him to do it, and he is now wearing glasses, link him back to his page so I can be like, “I told you so!”

Plastic Surgery in South Korea

There are a lot of things to say about this issue. My opinion on plastic surgery has changed over the years just because I know so many people who have had stuff done. Perhaps it has just made it normal for me? Unfortunately these days, if a girl is very pretty it’s usually assumed that she has had something done. I actually feel sorry for those born with very natural beauty but everyone just assumes they had work done.

As we said in the video, we don’t like the full face done. Another reason why I don’t think it’s a good idea is because it will date the face. In 20 years the plastic surgery trends will have changed, and those who had all the surgeries to make the face that is popular now, probably won’t be seen as that great later. So that will age them as well, people can guess what age they got that surgery and how old they are now. Perhaps those people will just try to get their faces changed again, but with such invasive surgery already done, surely that will be quite dangerous.

That’s why our opinion is, if you must have plastic surgery, always go for something minor. It’s interesting though, how trends in South Korea are different to other countries. For example, if I had to get plastic surgery I’d want my nose smaller and my chin bigger, but in Korea it tends to be making the nose higher and the chin smaller. I really love my husband’s eyes and I’d hate for him to get double eye lid surgery. I do find it sad that a lot of things I find beautiful are the things that many Koreans want changed. How much does Western media influence plastic surgery in Korea? That’s a whole other debate that I don’t really want to get in to and don’t feel qualified to talk about.

So that’s our very serious video and post about plastic surgery!


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