Intercultural Life

Month: March 2014 (Page 5 of 5)

Mr Gwon Time – Army Jacket

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깔깔이를 자주 입으시는분들, 아직도 깔깔이를 가지고 계시는분들. 인증샷 공유하면 재밌겠네요 ㅎㅎ 사진은 여기 블로그나 저희 Facebook에 남겨주시며 좋겠네요^^ 아~군대 갔다온지가 오래되었는데, 깔깔이 입으니깐 군대 있을때 생각 나네요. 요즘 깔깔이가 가볍고 따뜻한게 좋네요. 엣날꺼에 비해서 디자인도 세련된거 같고요. 그리고 좋은 의견이나 궁금한점 있으시면 저희 블로그나,페이스북,트위터, 유튜브에 댓글 남겨 주세요. 그리고 저희 블로그 MyKoreanHusband 많이 사랑해주세요.


Good Grasp

Good Grasp

Those that follow him on Instagram might have noticed his interesting ways of spelling of “sauce”. I can’t talk though, my spelling in Korean is atrocious.

Although he doesn’t have perfect grammar or pronunciation in English, he is very good at expressing himself and talking about complex ideas, which I think is more important than just having perfect grammar but not being able to convey your own ideas.

What about you guys? What is a word you always get wrong?

Teaching Some Dialect

Teaching some dialect

Sometimes it feels like I’m learning two different languages at the same time…

Also, I didn’t put in any romanisation of the Korean because I know a lot of people can read Korean, even if they can’t understand the words and hopefully the gist of the comic is understood by those that can’t read any.

When will Big Bang do their Military Service?

Something we didn’t mention in the video was WHY Korean men have to do compulsory military service but I think most people are pretty aware of North Korea. South Korea and North Korea are still technically at war because a formal peace treaty was never signed. With such an unpredictable and unstable threat right across the border, South Korea needs a very large military force. If there wasn’t compulsory service they wouldn’t have the manpower. The issue of ending compulsory service does comes up, but with provocations every now and then from North Korea it’s very hard to even just scale it back a bit. However, the Western media always blows up the North Korea issue, so don’t think North Korea is going to launch huge attacks or anything like that.

It is interesting how people’s perceptions and views are formed by the country they grow up in. Many people understand the need for the military but there are others from countries that have no military and have a very negative view of the military that are critical of anyone who does military service. I think it’s very unfair to judge those that have to do compulsory service and it’s best to have a balanced view. Korean men that do their service don’t necessarily agree with all decisions made by the military, it doesn’t mean they agree with war, but it’s their national duty.

You get very used to the military presence in South Korea. Everywhere there are men in uniform and military vehicles and get a bunch of Korean guys together and inevitably the topic of military service will come up. Men that don’t do their service become excluded from these conversations, can find it hard to connect to other guys and can even not be hired for jobs because they didn’t do it. When the majority of the male population have given up 2 years of their life for their country, it’s important for them to see that Kpop idols are doing it too.

So what we said in the video was just our guess about Big Bang – that at least some members will likely enlist after their comeback (“comeback” in the Kpop sense of the word).

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