Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 28 of 31)

Shoes lined up

Shoes lined up

…….sorry. This is my evil side.

Usually I’m such a follow the rules type girl. But when I see things perfectly lined up there is part of me that just wants to mess with it. I don’t do it all the time. Just when I’m feeling particularly rebellious.


Sleeping Cat


He seriously does this and it seriously works. Not for me though. I’m a very light sleeper and I usually have to pee a million times before I can sleep and any flashing electronics in the room wakes me up.

But… he really does pretend he is a cat and falls asleep easily.

In other news, there is an article about us on So go check that out. Thank you so much Isabelle for writing it ๐Ÿ™‚



Butterfly In the morning I told him he was still an ugly caterpillar.

He hurt his back stupidly at the gym but hopefully it’s getting better now. We still kinda live like students. All our wedding presents are still at my parents’ house and we don’t want to use them until we have our own apartment so we are lacking in some household items, which is why he ended up with a fitted sheet on the floor. He likes to sleep with a sheet or blanket over his head so quite often he looks like he is in a cocoon, but the fitted sheet accentuated it. He has never emerged as a butterfly though (or a moth, cocoons are actually made by moths).



Walking around the House

walking around houseOkay this comic doesn’t have my husband in it. But I drew it because I’m visiting my parents right now. They go to bed at a normal time… but I don’t. In Sydney my husband finishes work at 4am, so I don’t usually sleep until he comes home. This means our sleeping schedule is pretty messed up and we have to sleep very late. I still kinda have that routine here at my parents’ house but I feel bad when I accidentally make noise at night. Everything seems so loud at night! And why do I drop EVERYTHING?

Anyway I’m sorry Mum and Dad, and Typhoon and Olivia (Korean couple who are living with my parents). ๐Ÿ™

I was going to just put this one on the Tumblr but I thought I’d show it here too to remind you to check out the Tumblr sometimes. The Tumblr has most of the comics on here but some extra things as well. My husband thinks it’s just a place where I draw G-Dragon pictures…. haha.

My Australian Wife #2

Okay some ‘My Australian Wife’ again. My husband designs the characters and tries to think of things that were funny or weird to him and then I draw them digitally, but in his style, for him.

Australian Wife 4Okay this is true. My hair gets really tangled and knotty easily, so brushing my hair can be painful sometimes. He just laughs at me though. You don’t understand you Koreans, with your thick, shiny and silky hair! You don’t understand *sobs*.

Australian Wife 5We didn’t grow up watching the same TV shows, so there are some I have an emotional connection to that mean nothing to him.

Haha I just turned the TV on and Happy Days is on. I was like “Yeah Happy Days!” My husband didn’t even turn around from his laptop and just said “Psh”.

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