Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 30 of 31)

Husband Aegyo

Faith Chung asks

I know you’ve posted about your experiments with aegyo… but does your husband do it too? XD

Other posts on aegyo can be found here and here.

This happened recently:

Don’t worry, we were just arguing about something stupid like whether he’d had a shower that day.

So as you can see aegyo doesn’t really work on me. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy him doing cute things, I love it, but not the forced cute. He hasn’t really tried “buing buing” again.



Just Checking

Okay, he was a bit loopy from cold medicine when he did this. He wanted to check if the tall Korean guy was standing on a box. I’m not sure if the guy noticed or not haha.

Koreans sometimes tend to have too much focus on height. It’s something guys are really self conscious about. A lot of Korean guys can be really worried about their height which isn’t helped by stuff the Korean media says as well.

I don’t really care about height and I remind my husband that I’ve dated very tall men before and none of them made me feel as safe as secure as he makes me feel. Height is such a minor thing to me. I’d love my husband no matter what his height.

Hopefully this incident was because of the cold medicine making him stupid and just being curious, not because he was feeling insecure because of a really tall Korean guy.


Okay I just asked him and he said, “No I just wonder, just curious!”

Me Too

The answer was not recently, but he does like Oprah. He likes to say little ‘pearls of wisdom’ like that. But I think this time he was just covering because he has said “me too” instead of “I love you too”. It then started a discussion about Oprah and other stuff and once again it’s very late before we get to sleep.

And actually we are both sick with colds at the moment. Wahhhhhhh!

Air Jet Rocket

Bad boy. My sister specifically said, “Don’t shoot your wife with this.” He said he wouldn’t. What a liar! I had the last laugh though, it barely shoots at all! It’s just a cheap thing from an Aldi supermarket that is mostly used for teaching kids about air pressure.

I think the only thing he learnt was that there wasn’t enough air pressure to shoot it across the room at me.

Please don’t ever give him nerf guns!

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Stalker! I actually banned him from looking at my blog too much because he’ll look and be like “You have this many comments on this and this many comments on that one.”

It’s because he wants me to do well but he pays too much attention sometimes. I’m pretty sure he is going to be a stereotypical Asian father when we have kids. “99%?! Why you not get 100% on this test!”

I’m just really happy that I have people commenting and liking my blog at all! I only started it in April and already it has surpassed my expectations AND I get to interact with people all over the world. So I have stopped him from looking too much. He has his own blog to work on, he should be doing that instead!

The Force

…and I continue my stubborn belief that I can actually use The Force. This is a Star Wars reference in case you didn’t know ^_^

Push ups

It’s no secret that I’m terrible at counting in Korean. It doesn’t help that there are two numbering systems in Korean! So I pretty much never count in Korean, only in English.

Okay so even in English I suck… but watching someone workout is boring!

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