My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 80 of 269


Han and Hugh talk about some more reverse culture shock they experienced when going back to Korea.They talk about the cold, greetings, internet speed and foreigners.

(This was filmed back when we were in Australia and sorry for bad lighting).

Nicholalala Webtoon Episode: Poop Fly

New Nicholalala Webtoon episode up on LINE Webtoon.

Nicholalala Poop Fly


Hugh informed me after I made this webtoon that there are literally flies called “poop flies” in Korea!

Thanks for the awesome rating you guys! You can also help me out by liking, rating and commenting on LINE Webtoon. (Seriously, LINE Webtoon pays a salary to its featured artists and all interaction is counted and benefits us). Also, it’s a good thing to support the platform that supports the artists. There aren’t many sites that do that… Any other site my webtoon is on has stolen it and is paying me nothing. So please only read Nicholalala on LINE Webtoon. Thanks guys!

Beautiful Countryside

Beautiful Countryside

This happens a lot. I decide to go for a walk and get bombarded with fertilizer smell! Remember that when you see some of the photos I post on Instagram. It’s not something that just happens in the countryside either. I remember several times in Sydney when they fertilize all the lawns in parks and there is that fertilizer smell in the city!

Geoje Island 거제도

I was still recovering from surgery here so not up to doing much filming. This year, health problems and busy schedules have really prevented us from filming everything we want to but it has lead to Hugh’s decision that he is going to film a lot more for you guys. That will give me more time for the comics and webtoons, while still having lots of videos on this channel. Although he is a social butterfly in real life (and never stops talking haha) he has always been much shyer on camera. Hopefully he will become more confident now, so please encourage him!

Geojedo ‘Theme Museum’ was kinda brilliant in its weirdness. There was Greek mythology on the outside, lots of Korean modern history objects inside, and then suddenly random stuff from movies…. but older movies from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I have a feeling it’s a museum where museum objects go to retire… they just take everything!

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