Intercultural Life

Tag: being a foreigner in korea

Nicholalala Webtoon: Hair

This week’s episode was one that I originally had on The Challenge League before I became a featured artists and is about the troubles of having thin western hair in Korea.

Nicholalala Hair


Luckily there is a great salon in Seoul that caters to foreigners, so I go there so I don’t need to endure other hairdressers looking at my thin tangled hair in horror. Actually my hair isn’t even that thin. You guys can see it in the videos and it’s okay, but just in comparison to hair in Korea, it makes me so self conscious when I go to hair salons.

You can help me out by liking, sharing, commenting and rating the webtoon! Don’t forget to check out other webtoons on LINE Webtoon, one of the only platforms that supports and pays artists.

Rural BBQ

Rural BBQ

This made us laugh because she called it out so cheerfully. Mr Gwon’s parents were with us and his father took the opportunity to say, “She is my daughter-in-law!” and then pulled wedding photos from his wallet. The staff oohed and ahhed over them.

As it’s the third time I’ve been to this area of South Korea, I’m quite used to the attention and stares. Most people are just curious. We get asked if I’m American a lot so often we stop to chat and say that I’m from Hoju (Australia).

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