Intercultural Life

Tag: bilingual child

Bilingual Update! How a four-year-old switches between Korean and English

We filmed a video to give an update on our son Yul’s language process.

Hello everyone! Finally a bilingual update video! We tried to get it as natural as possible but of course can never be completely like a normal conversation at home.

Our bilingual method:

We do “one parent, one language” method but with flexibility.

Nichola speaks English with Yul and Hugh speaks Korean with him. Nichola and Hugh speak mostly English to each other, so Yul constantly hears English conversation.

Within the community Yul is hearing mostly Korean. He goes to a completely Korean daycare/preschool but they also have some English classes a few times a week. Multicultural families are offered free Korean classes for kids in Korea, so he also attends Korean class twice a week. Even though he is a native Korean speaker, he goes to them to make sure there are no gaps in his learning. The teacher also caters to what he needs or what we ask. For example, there is a whole element of culture and manners in Korea that children are taught but what Nichola, as a foreigner, might not be able to instinctively instill in him. So the teacher is making sure they know manners and bowing etc. He really enjoys his Korean classes because the teacher makes them very fun.

Nichola will sometimes use Korean with Yul in public, as a way of showing others that he can speak Korean, and to not just use English with him. It’s a way of signalling that although Yul’s mother is obviously a foreigner, that he is a Korean child, and to treat him as one.

Hugh does the opposite sometimes to show that Yul can speak English too.

Nichola can participate in basic conversations in Korean and can understand the general gist of Korean but has to answer in English at home usually. This is for Yul’s benefit and because the focus on English means she doesn’t have opportunity to develop speaking skills at a higher level yet.

We are working on Yul changing using his own name to “I” at the moment in English. Nichola often corrects him gently, but didn’t during this video. While it’s something that is normal around this age, it’s also something to get kids to adjust to.

At the moment Yul is still working out the difference between English words in English and English loan words in Korean. Sometimes he will say a Korean pronunciation of an English word that is used in Korean, but he wasn’t sure of the English pronunciation in English. That’s something that gets corrected gently as he still needs to know how to pronounce loan words how Koreans do, rather than never saying them at all. He can have a few issues with pronouncing some English sounds that aren’t in Korean, and when quizzed he can say them, but he is still working out how they are used in English and sometimes defaults to the Korean adjustment of that sound. We are keeping an eye on his speech and will make sure he has some evaluations as he gets older.

Yul has not been back to Australia since 2020, so it’s difficult to check his English compared to other Australian kids. We will be visiting next year and will have a better idea of his progress.

(We show videos to Yul before we post them to make sure he is okay with them. He found this one hilarious. He also banged the keyboard and deleted the whole video accidentally! Luckily I managed to undo and get it back and export it, but there may be a random blue square that appears at some point, which I think was because of that haha.)

What do bilingual three-year-olds talk about?

Bilingual Update video!

In this video I show conversations in English with our son Yul. Since we live in Korea, he is of course surrounded by Korean. He hears it at daycare, he hears it in the community and Hugh speaks Korean to him. His English comes almost entirely from me and hearing Hugh and I speaking to each other in English. In the future he’ll have more English exposure as we can interact more with my family and other English speakers, but he has done really well learning English naturally from me.

I hope these videos are encouraging for other families in similar situations. I know people can worry a lot about the bilingual aspect. I also hope they help Korean families where parents do speak English and they want to introduce English to their children, but find it hard to know how to speak to children in English. There can be quite a difference between knowing how to speak a language to other adults and how to help a child learn a language. Hopefully seeing these types of examples are helpful.

Marriage and small children

Stop Talking!

Even while Hugh was helping me translate this comic, Yul was jumping on his back and demanding attention. And in case you think our child is starved for attention… he is not haha. He gets so much love and attention. He just doesn’t realise that Mummy and Appa need to talk to each other too, not just to him.

He has done this many times when Hugh comes home and I’d like to have an normal adult conversation and Yul puts his hands on our mouths and tells us to stop talking. It’s a good thing he is so adorable and it’s super cute.

Confused Parents? Raising a bilingual child.

Who is actually confused?

In this video we talk about some myths about bilingualism, in particular the myth that children must be confused if learning more than one language. What we have found is it’s actually us as parents who get the most confused. As an English speaking Australian I have experience with English toddler talk, but Hugh, as a Korean, doesn’t have much experience hearing little children talk. So some things our son Yul says in English make no sense to Hugh, but to me I know it’s just a little kid way of saying something. And it goes the opposite way as well, some Korean things Yul says I either don’t understand or takes me a few moments to realise what he is saying.

We talk about much more in the video as well so please check it out! I hope it’s helpful for other parents in a similar situation as us.

Comics are back!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve made comics regularly. Even though this blog started with comics back in 2012, I’ve made less of them as life got in the way. Also, there wasn’t much to talk about during pregnancy and just being at home with a baby.

However, these days our son is very talkative and I feel there are a lot more things to do with being bi-cultural that I can talk about, and make comics about. As always the comics are real moments from our life. With Hugh being so busy with work (busy CEO now!) there have been less moments of intercultural funniness between us, especially as we’ve been married for quite a while. But now having a three-year-old, there are a lot more funny moments to share!

New comic: Babo

Comics will be more bilingual now as well, as we are constantly switching between languages in our home. Translations will be in smaller text underneath the main words.

While I may not be fluent in Korean, and usually speak to our son in English, I can understand most of what they are saying!

The internet has changed a lot since I first started making comics. In the old days people would comment on people’s blogs but these days everyone just comments on social media. So comics will also be shared on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and YouTube community. See you there!

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