Intercultural Life

Tag: g-dragon (Page 4 of 4)

GD Socks

Well it is true that all my socks get holes in them. Poor sock GD.

Notice that I’m sitting on a chair and he is on the floor? That’s how it usually is. I prefer chairs, he prefers the floor.

Selective Hearing

Though I do try to listen to a lot of Korean conversation, there are times I have to tune out because it’s too taxing on my brain to try and decipher everything.

But my brain always alerts me when things interest me in the conversation.

If you aren’t into Kpop and don’t know what YG is, it’s a major record company. Big Bang belongs to it. My husband’s friend was giving him a hard drive that has a YG Family concert on it. A huge concert featuring all the artists from YG.


G-Dragon Giveaway- Harper’s Bazaar

I have 1 Harper’s Bazaar Korea magazine to give away which has the G-Dragon Paris photo shoot in it. It is the August 2012 Edition.

To be in the running to win this prize simply leave your name in the comments section and a winner be selected randomly in about 1 week.

Congratulations CatvnloveTOP! Please contact me ASAP.

Anne Hathaway

I really don’t look like Anne Hathaway. Some of my Korean friends said that I did years ago when I had dark hair. I’m pretty sure the only reason they thought that was because I was the first Western friend they had. So because I was a white girl with dark hair: “OMG you look like Anne Hathaway!!!”

I was just trying to rile my husband up because G-Dragon can be a jealously inciting subject. He wouldn’t want me to look like anyone GD may have taken a liking too… because then I might run away with GD or something??? I don’t know. Jealously doesn’t always make sense. I like to push his buttons because of course he has nothing to worry about. And it worked.


Haha, well It’s not really a secret how much I love G-Dragon.

So what is the correlation between K-Pop and having a Korean partner? Does having a Korean partner make someone interested in K-Pop or does being interested in K-Pop result in ending up with a Korean partner?

Both are possible. Some people are gradually exposed to K-Pop through their Korean partner and grow to like it. There are also others who discover K-Pop in another way and start to really enjoy Korean culture as well. This interest results in meeting more Korean people and the possibility of having a boyfriend or girlfriend who is Korean.

My story is a little bit different. Years ago when I first starting making Korean friends I really didn’t hear any K-Pop. My Korean friends were all on working holiday visas while in Australia. At this time I briefly dated a Korean guy as well. I was not exposed to any K-Pop at all. The following year I was living in Sydney in a share apartment with Koreans and that’s when I got bombarded with K-Pop! I didn’t like it…. and I said a lot of negative things.

Because most of my Korean friends were on working holiday visas, eventually, one by one, they all left Australia. There came a time when almost all my Korean friends were gone. Missing them, I actually starting listening to K-Pop on my own accord. G-Dragon was really what first got me interested. Through him I discovered Big Bang.

By the time I first met my husband I had completely become a K-Pop fan. Oh I’m still critical of a lot of groups but I always give them a chance now. Big Bang remains my favourite group and G-Dragon will always be the one that first led me into the wonderful world of K-Pop.

It’s not that my husband dislikes him, actually he really likes him, he just gets slightly jealous of my admiration.


Konglish: Mind Control


There are a lot of Konglish words used by Koreans. I haven’t even heard them all so I’m constantly discovering new ones. It’s not like my husband or another Korean can just list them all for me because they don’t usually know themselves that it is Konglish or English. There are different types too- ones that are English words mashed together or shortened, and some that are just an English word used in a different way. Some are easy to work out: Like ‘Hand Phone’ for cell or mobile phone. Except it’s said like hand-der-pone.

Anyway, I first saw this one – Mind Control – on G-Dragon. It’s one of his newer tattoos. For a native English speaker when we see ‘mind control’ we are thinking of something like brainwashing right? Either in the realistic sense of brain washing and manipulating the population like in dictatorships and communist regimes, or we are thinking about the more science fiction definition of controlling people’s minds.

So what do Koreans mean when they say ‘mind control’? From what I can gather when they use it they mean they are trying to control their thoughts (so you can see why they use these words) and concentrate, calm themselves down or perhaps just what we might call ‘collecting their thoughts’. I’ve heard it a few times since seeing G-Dragon’s tattoo and it always seems to be used in that sense.

My husband assures me that some Koreans understand the original English meaning. Usually gamers, because this type of power is in a lot of computer games. I assumed G-Dragon meant the Konglish meaning for his tattoo. That he simply wants to concentrate and be in control of his mind. BUT, what if he means the original English meaning? What if he wants to do mind control? To control his fans?!

I drew him with his latest hair style which he changed yesterday? The day before? Anyway he is in Paris doing fashiony stuff and that’s what he looks like at the moment.

One could argue that with his charisma he hardly needs the supernatural power of mind control anyway.

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