Intercultural Life

Tag: han and hugh (Page 2 of 3)

AKG – What did their friends think about them marrying a foreign woman?

This is a serious topic, so not exactly a light hearted video. In hindsight I realise how much more accepting my husband’s parents were than his friends. I was welcomed into the family right away but I realise now that some of his friends had reservations. I think people would usually think that it would be the other way around. We get a lot of questions about if the parents will accept, but less about friends. Of course parents have more power but also you can’t underestimate the power of friendships, especially because Koreans have such long and enduring friendships. There have definitely been break ups between Korean men and foreign women that were influenced by friends.

On a more light-hearted note, Han is wearing one of my sweaters for some reason in this video.

Ask Korean Guys 13

While the guys find our interest in furniture weird, I find their lack of interest in furniture weird! There really aren’t that many furniture stores in Korea and they tend to have the same sort of style. Furniture is expensive as well. In comparison to Koreans, Australians are quite obsessed with furniture and organising it and what style a room is – and of course we love renovating. At the house here in Korea there isn’t even furniture to arrange. There is no sofa, no armchairs, no dining room table. The table we eat on is a small one that gets put away after every meal. It’s very different so I can see why my husband thinks it’s funny how much I look at furniture and express admiration for it and day dream about owning a certain piece of furniture.

Australian council pickup is something they were hesitant about at first but now really like it. Yes Han found a NEW computer on the street.

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