Intercultural Life

Tag: korean husband comic (Page 1 of 2)

Korean Seafood

Cooking seafood

My husband has worked in Australian workplaces so knows about the laws about racism and discrimination. He knows his rights at work and when to make a complaint about something. He is not working in Australia any more but is applying those things to other areas of life now! So apparently I’m racist against octopuses because I won’t eat them but I eat prawns…

2 Year Old

2 year old

Guys… it used to just be that he’d be in his underwear but lately it’s been a t-shirt and nothing else. I think that’s worse!

I just asked him, “Why do you hate pants so much?” and he said, “Not only me! All Korean guys!…………. and not wearing pants is comfortable.”

Yes…. but…… sigh….




Actually it reminds me of the ‘lik dis if you cry everytim’ meme, except I didn’t die after he said no.




I was laughing mostly because “dumblings” sounds funny!

I’m back studying Korean again, well revising everything that I know (not much!), in preparation for when we move to Korea. We’ve decided once in Korea it’s vital for me to learn as much Korean as possible so Korean will be the language we’ll use the most when there. It will be hard, but worth it.

Hehe…. dumblings….


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