Intercultural Life

Tag: my korean husband blog (Page 19 of 20)

Walking around the House

walking around houseOkay this comic doesn’t have my husband in it. But I drew it because I’m visiting my parents right now. They go to bed at a normal time… but I don’t. In Sydney my husband finishes work at 4am, so I don’t usually sleep until he comes home. This means our sleeping schedule is pretty messed up and we have to sleep very late. I still kinda have that routine here at my parents’ house but I feel bad when I accidentally make noise at night. Everything seems so loud at night! And why do I drop EVERYTHING?

Anyway I’m sorry Mum and Dad, and Typhoon and Olivia (Korean couple who are living with my parents). 🙁

I was going to just put this one on the Tumblr but I thought I’d show it here too to remind you to check out the Tumblr sometimes. The Tumblr has most of the comics on here but some extra things as well. My husband thinks it’s just a place where I draw G-Dragon pictures…. haha.

Top 30 Countries

Just something a bit different: I thought I’d show the top 30 countries where readers of this blog are from.

Cartoon MKH

1. United States

2. Australia

3. South Korea

4. United Kingdom

5. Canada

6. Brazil

7. Malaysia

8. Philippines

9. Singapore

10. France

11. India

12. Indonesia

13. Germany

14. Japan

15. Netherlands

16. Poland

17. Hong Kong

18. Spain

19. Sweden

20. New Zealand

21. Austria

22. Italy

23. Brunei

24. Mexico

25. Turkey

26. Egypt

27. Thailand

28. Hungary

29. Belgium

30. Vietnam

It has been interesting to see how it changes. The U.S., Australia, South Korea, U.K., and Canada seem to stay at the top, but there have been some bigger changes lately like Brazil jumping into the top ten. I think India has moved up a lot too. Indonesian and Malaysian fans have been around since the beginning, as have fans from the small country of Brunei 🙂

I’m guessing with the internet restrictions in China, any Chinese fans are probably represented by Hong Kong? Let me know.

Anyway, a big shout out to everyone in these countries. Thank you so much for reading the blog. I’m so excited about how many people are now reading my blog (and it’s not even 1 year old yet). We have some exciting things coming up this year. We will start making videos this year and will be putting them on our Youtube channel. I’ll be interviewed next week on the Korean radio program 1013 Main Street. I think for everyone not living in Korea they can tune in through the website or app. I’ll let you know more next week.

April 1st will be the one year anniversary of this blog. Maybe I should have a big giveaway? What do you think?

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No Crocodiles

no crocodilesSo as you know, over Christmas we stayed in a holiday house near the beach. There is also a very large lake there and we went canoeing. I’ve mentioned previously that my husband is worried about crocodiles even though I’ve explained there are no crocodiles in this part of Australia. He became concerned again while we were paddling in the middle of the lake and I had to reassure him again.

Crocodiles aren’t his only concern. Whenever we are doing something to do with water he’ll ask about 10 times if there are definitely life-jackets. He is very scared of falling into the water because he is not a strong swimmer (even though he was in the Korean navy!) As you can see in the picture, he has the big yellow life-jacket. I just had a very small one that is only inflated in emergencies. Even then, I wouldn’t be too worried if I fell into the water because I can swim well (growing up in Australia it’s pretty much a requirement to be able to swim) and even though I’m not a really fast or strong swimmer, I float really well (probably because I have no muscle haha) so I just bob around calmly.

My siblings and I swam out quite far last weekend at the beach and I could see my husband anxious pacing on the shoreline. He didn’t relax until I swam back in.

This weekend we are going back down the coast again and will go out in my uncle’s boat. My husband is beginning to worry again and is asking about life-jackets again.

Also we’ll have no internet and possibly not even phone reception! Omg. That’s why Saturday’s post is up early. Also, as usual no post on Sunday. See you Monday!

Mr Gwon Recommends #2

mrgwon2 (1280x896)

Today Mr Gwon recommends G.O.D ‘To My Mother’.

He says:

Beginning of song the lyric is a bit funny because eating Jajangmyeon (black noodle) but it’s actually a really sad story. Lots of people had similar problem in the school because they were poor. It happens a lot, we have meal together in the school, many times lots of students just have kimchi, and some vegetables but when someone has meat type of thing for their lunch box they bully the other students, “Oh why you only have kimchi!”

One time my mother cooked for us and there was no meat on the table so I complained to mum “What should I eat? There is nothing I can eat!” and now I realise I was a rude and stupid kid.

Lots of people, they cried when they listen to the end of this song because the guy didn’t say ‘I love you’ to his mother but she died. It’s really hard to say ‘I love you’, I don’t know about these days, but when I was growing up, it was really hard to say I love you to your parents. I didn’t say ‘I love you’ to my parents for 25 years and when I was in Australia I called my mother and I said ‘I love you’ on Korean Parents Day and they cried. And now we say ‘I love you’ to each other very often.

Every time people listen to this song it reminds us how important our mother is. I’m pretty sure there are many families that… their mother died and they never said I love you to their mother. It’s really sad.

So everyone should call their mother and say ‘I love you’, and thank you. I’m going to call my mother now…



(On a lighter note, what is different about the picture this week?)



I was working on another comic last night but was having trouble with it so instead decided to just stop and try another one quickly. This was the first thing that came to mind.

We were arguing about something stupid (don’t worry, not a serious argument) and if you remember, I’ve quoted Mulan to him before. Well he decided to try and use this insult himself.

…and it backfired. Hehehe.

Fan Mail

These drawings are from Patrycja who is from Poland but is living in France right now. She chats with my husband about cookies sometimes haha.

hehehe Thanks! This is true, he loves cookies so much.

He had a nice birthday, well birthdays…. the day before what I consider his birthday was his lunar calender birthday which is what many Koreans consider the real birthday.

Yay delicious dumplings! How exciting!

And this package is from CYah! She lives in Brunei, which is part of the island Borneo. I have been to Borneo, but the Indonesian part, when I did some volunteer work at a Sun Bear sanctuary there. I saw the proboscis monkeys there, which are so cool, so she has seen me a toy one. Proboscis monkeys are only found in Borneo. So cute!

Look at all the lovely things. Now I will have to visit Brunei! Thank you so much!

(That’s my husband’s Snoopy in the background).

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