city hunter

We usually have different tastes in Korean dramas. A Gentleman’s Dignity was one that we both agreed on and now we are watching City Hunter. While we are both enjoying it so far, he gets frustrated on those slower scenes with…. feelings and all that haha.

There’s a lot of dramas I’d like to watch but our internet has been terrible so it’s too frustrating (out of our control and hopefully we’ll move soon). My husband borrows some DVDs from a friend at work but most had such terrible English subtitles that I’d yell at the screen. Finally we got the City Hunter one and the subtitles are good, so slowly working our way through it.

What are you watching now?

(Also, I had to draw a very simple comic for this post because we are both sick with horrendous colds! It’s the middle of summer and it’s terrible being inside and sick like this).