We’ve been seeing a lot of friends in Korea. This particular friend is a very good Japanese chef. My husband knew him and his wife in Australia but they live in Korea now. So it’s true, GD comes to the restaurant quite regularly. Obviously we can’t say which restaurant it is though. Our friend has said that he can let me know when GD comes in but I don’t want to be a creepy stalker AND it’s a pretty expensive place. As much as I’d love to see GD, I don’t want to interrupt his privacy.

I had never thought that much about face size until I had Korean friends. The first few times people told me I have a small face I thought maybe it was an insult! Then I realised it was a compliment as I observed Korean friends complain about the size of their faces. The fact that GD has a small face doesn’t make me think “Oh that makes him so handsome!”, I think his face is handsome no matter what size. That fact annoys my husband a little bit though… hehehe.