Board 1He is really into this sort of thing. I tend to be the more cynical one, but he is sincere in everything he does. He loves being inspired by things and planning things for the future. Sometimes I have fun with that and deliberately do things to annoy him.

Board 2Okay dinosaurs can’t go on the ‘Vision/Inspiration board’ apparently. But I like dinosaurs!

I drew one while he was at work and stuck it on the board:


Seriously though, it is one of the things I love about him. He has big dreams for the future and actually takes steps to achieve them. I get really frustrated at the type of person who is a “dreamer” and talks big but then never do anything about achieving their goals. I know my husband is not that type. He has already achieved a lot already, so I know that his inspiration/vision board is something that does really help him. It really motivates him.

But for me, maybe I do want dinosaurs in my future!