Masks are vital for stopping the spread of Covid-19

We’ve known how important masks are in Asia for quite a while, as they are not just used for disease prevention, but for air pollution and even fashion.

Now the science is showing just how important they are in slowing the spread of Covid-19. While it can give some protection to the wearer, the most important thing is that it stops asymptomatic spread. There can be so many people within a population who have Covid but have no symptoms. It can be easily spread through droplets of moisture that come out of our mouth and nose while we talk. Even a simple cloth mask prevents these droplets. When a whole population wears maks while out, it is the easiest way to deal with this pandemic until a vaccine is hopefully made.

We better get used to living with masks! It may be weird or scary for those in countries where they aren’t used to wearing masks, but it’s quite simple and has other benefits beyond pandemic related ones. Masks have always been used in many professions too, so it’s not that unusual to wear one, and it is not going to make you sick. Finding one that suits your face does help though. In the video I show some some different types of masks in Korea and which ones I prefer. I also talk about how to wear makeup and glasses with a mask, and how to deal with annoying mask acne.

I’m sure there will be more videos on masks later so please ask questions over on YouTube if there are other aspects of mask wearing you’d like us to talk about.