We show you our new apartment!

After living in a tiny Seoul apartment for 4 years we finally move to a much bigger one that’s still in the same neighbourhood! We searched for months and months and saw a huge range of apartments in our price range and we knew there had to be a hidden gem out there somewhere!

In this video we show you our new apartment and explain how we can afford an $800,000 apartment without actually paying that much. Getting space this big in Seoul is usually very expensive but we had space as our top priority. As we explain in the video, we were fine with some other not as great aspects, just so we could have space. This apartment seems to be never be remodeled so there are a lot of things we want to change but we are excited about those projects. We will also be making lots of videos about that as well.

There are also lots of great things about our apartment besides from just space. The enclosed balcony for example, and the traditional Korean paper style windows and doors. Hopefully in about a year’s time we will do another apartment tour and show all the things we have changed.