Our first big project in our new place!

I’m starting to come around to the idea of these types of balconies… I wasn’t much of a fan in the beginning, but as it’s monsoon season in Korea at the moment, I can see the benefits. Originally I desperately wanted real outside space and a lot of the time I had seen these enclosed balconies just become storage areas and they seemed a bit pointless. But giving the space a real purpose makes all the difference.

Of course our priority in our life is our two-year-old son, so I knew early on that this would become a play area for him. I wanted to make him a mini backyard with the things I enjoyed when I was a child: a sandpit, swimming pool and a slide.

While this pandemic goes on it’s important to have areas inside for kids to play in. While Korea has not had a lockdown and things are okay at the moment, we don’t know what the future will bring.

In our video we explain our thinking and process and show you as we get all the stuff and set it up! And of course we surprise our son!